Cleft nose defect

Multioperated bilateral cleft lips and nose are a major challenge in rhinoplasty.

They combine shape, harmony and symmetry issues that make the central part of the face inattractive, and functional issues related to the septal deviation.

Cleft nose

Cleft nose, by Dr. Gerbault:

  • A reconstructive ultrasonic rhinoseptoplasty of the whole nose with costal gafts has been done as a first stage.
  • A touch up on the alae done 6 months later.
  • The result is shown 6 days after the touch up.
  • The nose is significantly improved, but the most spectacular is probabluy the upper lip improvement thanks to the premaxilla augmentation with diced cartilage during the first procedure, followed with fat injection in the upper lip with the lipopen.
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Fente labio-palatine vue de face avantFente labio-palatine vue de face apres
Fente labio-palatine vue de face avantFente labio-palatine vue de face apres

Cleft nose defect

Cleft nose defect

  • The treatment of cleft noses defects is one of the most complex operations in rhinoplasty. What’s difficult is to achieve an harmonious and symmetric nose.
  • The upper part of the nose has been sculpted with ultrasonic rhinoplasty, and the tip has been reshaped with different methods of structural rhinoplasty.
  • The result after one year shows a quite symmetric nose with an overall significant refinement.
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