What is Cryolipolysis?
- Last breakthrough in body contouring, Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive destruction of fat with cold.
- This method does not require immobilization, the system works by cooling the fat tissue to a level where it freezes.
- Cells die and are then removed naturally by the body through the lymphatic system.
Why have a Cryolipolysis?
- This technique allows you, without surgery, without anesthesia, to reduce fatty tissue.
- The cryolipolysis is a safe and effective treatment, non-invasive and painless.
- The results are visible after only one session, and the reduction of adipose tissue is final.
- The advantages of this technique is that it requires no downtime, and no medication after treatment.
The consultation:
- At the first consultation, your surgeon should be aware of your desires and reviews (measurements, areas treated, skin quality).
- The surgeon informs you of the different options to suit your case (abdomen, love handles, inner / outer thighs, inside / outside of the knees, saddlebags).
- Photographs are made in order to follow the morphological evolution of the treated area.
What happens during a Cryolipolysis:
- Each session lasts about 70 minutes.
- 1 to 3 sessions are required.
Immediately after the session, the patient can resume daily activity, the treatment resulting in no downtime, the procedure is non-invasive.
After a cryolipolysis, results are visible between 15 days and 3 months following treatment.
The risks of a cryolipolysis:
- Apart from a few indications against medical orders excluding treatment of cryolipolysis that will be identified during the consultation (Raynaud's disease, poorly controlled diabetes, pregnancy and lactation, neoplasia ...)
- There are some potential risks.
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