Legal notice
Thank you for reading the information below before you start using the site. By using the site, you agree to abide by the terms set out below. If you do not wish to subscribe to these terms of use, you must not use the site.
Policlinique Esthétique Marigny Vincennes
Policlinique Esthétique Marigny Vincennes
3 cours Marigny
94300 Vincennes
Telephone: +33 (0) 1 53 66 30 30
SIRET: 488 777 194 00017
VAT identification number of Dr. Olivier Gerbault (Policlinique Esthétique Marigny Vincennes): FR54488777194
Presentation of the website
The content of this website is offered and available to major users. This website aims to provide an informative knowledge of the procedures practiced at the Policlinique Esthétique Marigny Vincennes. This website is not intended to replace the relationship between a patient and his surgeon, but only to support it. is the property of Policlinique Esthétique Marigny Vincennes.
Its Director of publication is Dr Olivier Gerbault. is hosted by:
Online SAS
BP 438
75366 Paris Cedex 08
Respect for property rights and brands
All items you see, listen to or read on the site and the site are protected by copyright law. You may not use, distribute, copy, reproduce, modify, distort or transmit the site or elements of the site such as texts, images or sounds without the prior written authorization of the Marigny-Vincennes Policlinic.
The marks and logos appearing on the site are the property of the Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes or are the subject of an authorization of use. No right or license can be attributed to any of these elements without the written authorization of La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes or the third party, holder of the rights to the trademark or logo appearing on the site. La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes reserves the right to pursue any act of infringement of its intellectual property rights.
Respect for images
The images or photographs of persons or places appearing on the site are the property of La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes and / or are used by La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes with the agreement of the owners of the rights. The use of these images or photographs is prohibited without specific and express authorization of La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes. Any unauthorized use may result in infringement of copyright, copyrights, rights of individuals or any other regulations applicable to communications or advertising.
The photos, videos and texts published on this site come from both patients and models photographed for the purpose of illustration. Patients have authorized this publication and are identified as true patients of Dr. Olivier Gerbault. The other photos or videotapes are representations of models or actors. The photos, videos and opinions published on this site should not be invoked by a user as a representation by Dr. Olivier Gerbault or Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes that you will get the same surgical results. They do not guarantee the results or predict that any particular person will receive. Your results and individual plastic surgery experience will vary. A decision as to the use of plastic surgery or choosing to choose surgery Dr. Olivier Gerbault that your surgeon should not be based on photos, videos or opinions published on this website.
General warning
La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes shall not be liable for any damages that may result from accessing or using the site, including any damages or viruses that could infect your computer equipment or any other property. Although La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes makes reasonable efforts to update the accurate information published on the site, La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes can not be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
Disclaimer and compensation
La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes or any other party involved in connection with the site shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or other damages that may result from accessing or using the site or the information contained therein.
You will indemnify, defend and hold The Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes and its subsidiaries, as well as its directors, officers, employees, representatives, licensees or anyone involved in the creation, production and distribution of the site from any claim, liability, Expenses arising out of your breach of these Terms of Use or in connection with your use of the site.
In particular, the elements posted on or via this site are intended to provide general information on plastic and reconstructive surgery. They are intended solely for educational and informative purposes. This information does not constitute an exhaustive explanation of the subject or indications. Individual outcomes will vary depending on a number of factors, including proper implementation of the patient treatment protocol.
The information on this website may be considered accurate at the time of publication. However, the Marigny-Vincennes Policlinic can not guarantee that all the contents of this website will be updated in real time, given the rapid changes in the medical field and the increasing amount of medical information available.
La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this information. The confidence you place in this information is strictly at your own risk. This site includes publications, messages, messages or articles ("materials") of others.
All statements and / or opinions expressed in these materials are solely the opinions and responsibility of third parties and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Marigny-Vincennes Policlinic. We are not responsible to you or any third party for the content or accuracy of any third party content provided on or through this site.
Information and content on or through this site does not constitute medical advice, is not a substitute for consultation and advice from your own physician or a qualified surgeon and should not be used to diagnose or Treat diseases. Any medical or surgical decision should be made in consultation with your doctor or surgeon, not on the basis of the documents provided on this site.
Links to other sites
La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes offers links from the site to other affiliated and non-affiliated sites.
These affiliated and non-affiliated sites are independent of the site. The Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes does not edit or control these sites. Links to all sites do not, under any circumstances, constitute an endorsement or partnership between La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes and these sites.
Consequently, La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes can not be held responsible for their contents, their products, their advertisements or any elements or services presented on these sites. We remind you that affiliated or non-affiliated sites are subject to their own terms and conditions and privacy policies.
Compliance with regulations
The site is set up by La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes, whose head office is in France. Internet users having access to the site from places other than France must ensure compliance with locally applicable laws.
Access to the site
La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes reserves the right, for whatever reason and in its sole discretion, to terminate, modify, suspend or interrupt access to all or part of the site, including but not limited to the content, Features or times of availability without prior notice. You acknowledge and agree that in connection with the use of the site, the purchase of all necessary equipment to enable this connection to the Internet remains your responsibility.
Respect for privacy and protection of personal data
For more information on our data protection policy, please refer to the section on Personal data below. You can also read the provisions relating to the protection of personal data on the CNIL website ( ).
Please note that the sites affiliated to La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes are subject to their own privacy policies and terms of use. You are therefore invited to refer to it to determine the use that could be made of your personal data.
Changes in conditions
La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes reserves the right to modify or more generally to update these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice. That's why we invite you to consult them regularly.
Personal data
Collection and use of data
In order to enable us to manage your medical file, you are requested to submit personal data in accordance with the deliberation n ° 2005-296 of 22 November 2005 adopting a simplified standard relating to the automated processing of personal data implemented by Members of the medical and paramedical professions practicing on a private basis for the management of their practice.
The treatments are implemented in particular to facilitate the administrative management of the practices and the exercise of the activities of prevention, diagnosis and care.
They do not perform any functions other than:
- Management of patient records
- Billing management
- Managing appointments
- Medical record management and prescription editing
- Management and maintenance of individual patient records
- The establishment and transmission of care sheets
- The sending of letters to the confreres
- The keeping of accounts
- The carrying out of statistical studies for internal use
The information gathered during your consultation will be the subject, unless objection justified on your part, of a computer recording reserved for the use of your healthcare professional.
Your healthcare professional will be happy to provide you with this information and any necessary information about your health.
Any doctor appointed by you may also take cognizance of your entire medical record.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, rectify and delete any personal data that you may exercise by writing to us at [email protected] .
Certain data may also be recorded due to the operating mode of the servers of La Policlinique Marigny-Vincennes. This may be the type of browser or operating system used or your IP address or other connection data that is used to improve your online navigation (see point 5. below) and to answer If necessary, to requests under the law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for the confidence in the digital economy if we consider necessary to enforce our conditions of use or to protect our services, our patients or on request Of the judicial authorities.
Links to other sites
The site offers links to several affiliated and non-affiliated sites. These sites may also collect personal data or not. The consultation of these sites as well as the collection and the use of personal data on these sites are subject to the conditions of use and the policies of protection of the personal data of these sites.
The security of personal data is one of our concerns. We will endeavor to take reasonable technical measures to prevent possible loss or misappropriation while collecting or storing the data you have provided to us.
Use of cookies and cookies
When you access this site, a "User SessionID" cookie can be installed automatically and temporarily stored on your hard disk for ease of navigation. Once your session is closed, the cookie will be destroyed.
A cookie is a small randomly generated information file that a Web site can send to the hard drive of a personal computer to facilitate your navigation and streamline your registration procedures. By definition, a cookie does not allow us to identify you.
You have the option, if you wish, to oppose the registration of these session cookies by configuring your browser accordingly. This operation is likely to modify or even make it difficult to navigate the website.
Social plug-ins or share buttons on social networks are subject to your consent to be present on our site to enable you to access the functionality of sharing content with other people on the networks Social media from our site or to make known to these other people your consultation or your opinion concerning a content of our site (social plug-ins "I like", "share", ...).
By the very fact of their presence, these social plug-ins - whether or not you are a user of these social platforms - are capable of placing cookies on your hard disk to trace your navigation and identify your interests.
We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your browsing on our site.
The issuance and use of cookies by these third parties is subject to their own privacy policies. We invite you to read them in order to identify the purposes of use, especially advertising, and the navigation information that they can collect thanks to the application plug-ins and thus fix your choice.
These protection policies must enable you to exercise your choices with these social networks, in particular by setting up your usage accounts for each of these networks.
If necessary, you can refuse the insertion of these cookies by following the procedure indicated on your browser (see below the procedure to follow), according to the proposed modalities best suited to you. You can change your choice at any time.
In addition, to analyze your preferences and subject to your consent, invisible pixels or web beacons are likely to be placed by a third-party provider on certain of our articles and messages to help us identify pages viewed, As well as the number of visitors, analyze traffic patterns and compile statistics for the most popular content.
Finally, audio and video recordings, podcasts, webcasts are available through third-party services. In the event of your access and subject to your consent, these third parties are likely to deposit cookies on your hard disk to help us identify the most appreciated content.
The procedure to refuse the insertion of these "third party" cookies is as follows, according to the proposed modalities best suited to you:
For Mozilla Firefox:
1. Choose the "tool" menu then "options"
2. Click the "Privacy" icon
3. Locate the "cookie" menu and select the options that suit you
For Microsoft Internet Explorer:
1. Select the "tool" menu then "Internet options"
2. Click on the "Privacy" icon
3. Select the desired level using the cursor
For Chrome:
1. Go to the Chrome / Preferences menu
2. Click "Show advanced settings"
3. Click on "Content Settings ..." in the privacy section
4. Click "Cookies and site Data ..." in the new window.
5. Click on "Delete all" and confirm by clicking on "OK"
For Safari:
1. Go to the Safari / Preferences menu
2. Click on "Privacy"
3. In "Block Cookies", check "Always"
To know the options offered by any other navigation software and how to delete cookie files stored in your terminal, the Cnil details on this link the steps to follow to limit your traces on the web And, more generally, informs you about the mechanisms of setting of the cookies
If you continue your browsing, you consent to the use of these "third party" cookies on our site. You can change your choice at any time.
Using IP Addresses
An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer by your ISP when you browse the Web. When you view pages on our site, our servers record your IP address.
The Policlinique Marigny Vincennes collects the IP addresses to manage our own computer system and to analyze the use made of our site. We do not link the IP addresses to any personal information, which means that your consultations are recorded but you remain anonymous to us.
However, we may use your IP address in cooperation with your ISP to identify you if necessary, if we believe it is necessary to enforce our terms of use or to protect our services, customers or the authorities Judicial authorities.
Modification of conditions
The Policlinique Marigny Vincennes reserves the right to modify or more generally to update this leaflet at any time and without prior notice. Therefore, we invite you to consult this notice regularly.
To contact us
You can contact us at the following address: [email protected] for any comments or questions related to this notice.
Resources on the protection of personal data
For more information on protection laws, please consult the government websites:
1. from France :
2. from the European Union :
3. from the United States:
Last update of this page : 12-02-2020