International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Societies – IMRHIS 2016

From September 8 to 10, 2016, Versailles will host the first worldwide rhinoplasty meeting of all times, bringing together plastic surgeons, ENT and maxillofacial experts from many countries. It will be preceded on September 7th of the 5th Annual Congress of the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe.
IMRhiS 2016
Why come to the IMRhiS congress in Versailles, what are the objectives and the highlights of this congress?
- The IMRhiS is an exceptional event, which is not intended to reproduce for several years in France.
- This is a specialized congress, which brings together 50 world experts in rhinoplasty selected by the two rhinoplasty companies (European and American)
- to offer the best of rhinoplasty around a communication format that combines video and discussion
- to allow optimal information of participants on the latest advances in rhinoplasty and their use.
It is therefore a unique opportunity to follow a very high level of training in a very short time.
- The format will be video jousting where 2 speakers will present a short video on a particular technical aspect, followed by a discussion with the other participants and the audience.
- This particularly rhythmic and attractive formula allows to approach in detail and in a very practical way the various aspects of primary, secondary, ethnic, functional or "medical" rhinoplasty
- with a perfect understanding of all the techniques, and what is new or expert in rhinoplasty.
As you certainly know, Versailles is a magical place, steeped in history, and offers the advantage of having a convention center where the congress will be held just in front of the sumptuous Palace of Versailles.
Beyond these assets, the highlight of this congress will surely be the opportunity to exchange with those who evolve modern rhinoplasty to best integrate current concepts into your daily practice.
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Olivier Gerbault