ASAPS & The Rhinoplasty Society : New Orleans
Dr. Gerbault is returning from New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, where he was part for the 2019 edition of The Rhinoplasty Society and The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) meetings.
Two major American aesthetic surgery conferences
Dr Gerbault was invited to speak as a Faculty member of those two major American aesthetic surgery conferences.
On Thursday, May 16th, at The Rhinoplasty Society meeting, Dr. Gerbault and Dr. Rod Rohrich from Dallas, one of the world's reknowned surgeons, debated on the theme: "Piezotome or Cold Steel?". Dr. Gerbault advocated the use of ultrasonic rhinoplasty instruments that he developed, versus the conventional osteotomes used externally, promoted by his American colleague.
On Friday, May 17, this time at The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting, where he gave two lectures:
- Ultrasonic rhinoplasty for preservative rhinoplasties.
- Ultrasonic rhinoplasty to correct deviated noses.
Finally, on Monday May 20th, Dr. Gerbault confronted his vision of the ultrasonic instruments with Dr. Nazim Cerkes from Istanbul, during the debate "Increasing Consistency - Controversy in Rhinoplasty".
Congress programs in detail can be found on the following links : Scientific Program The Rhinoplasty Society 2019 and Scientific Program ASAPS 2019.