Forshortened and overrotated nose after a rhinoplasty
Secondary rhinoplasty on forshortened and overrotated nose, by Dr. Gerbault:
- Some secondary rhinoplasty are complex reconstructions of the nose that require teamwork.
- This young woman had two rhinoplasties and an infection as a result of the second, which greatly damaged the skin of the columella, while her skin was already very thin.
- It was first necessary to improve the quality of this skin thanks to a nanofat injection performed by Dr. Alex Verpaele.
- A secondary rhinoplasty with costal graft and use of many grafts to recreate a tip and lower the alae. The use of nanofat injected temporal fascia (MISTA, developed by Dean Toriumi) allowed the skin of the columella to heal well.
- The result is shown 6 months after the operation.
Upturned nose after a 1st rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty on upturned nose with surgical look after a 1st rhinoplasty, by Dr. Gerbault:
- In recent years, Dr. Gerbault often sees women who have undergone nose surgery who find their nose too hollowed out and too up, after a 1st rhinoplasty. These patients want natural feminine noses and not "Instagram" noses.
- The correction by secondary rhinoplasty is unfortunately very complex and requires the use of several cartilaginous grafts to lower the tip, the alae.
- He also had to refine a little more the bony and cartilaginous pyramid in this young woman thanks to ultrasonic rhinoplasty.
- The result after more than a year is natural and feminine, but corrects the appearance of fake and operated nose.
Secondary rhinoplasty on an asymmetric over shortened nose
Secondary rhinoplasty on an asymmetric over shortened nose, by Dr. Gerbault:
- There are special patients for whom we want to fight in the operating room to improve their nose and breathing.
- This adorable patient had had 4 rhinoplasties before and suffered from an over-shortened asymmetric nose, but also breathing impairment related to too much cartilage trimming previously and badly broken bones.
- There’s also an inverted V between the top and bottom of the nose, humps and hollows, an asymmetrical retraction of the alae, and an asymmetrical tip.
- Several hours of operation requiring the use of costal graft to lower and strengthen the nose, reconstruct cartilage defects and the use of piezo to reshape repeatedly broken bones.
- The result at 18 months shows a longer, more symmetrical nose, with fewer defects.
Nez trop raccourci, pointe trop remontée, rétraction des ailes du nez
Secondary rhinoplasty on an over shortened nose, with an over rotated tip and alar retractions, by Dr. Gerbault:
- It’s rare that a patient can’t stop smiling as she discovers her new nose after the splint removal six days after her secondary rhinoplasty. This is what happened with this charming patient whose nose had been severely damaged after a first rhinoplasty performed 11 months earlier.
- She arrived significantly affected psychologically by her foreshortened nose with an overrotated tip and a strong alar retraction creating an excess visibility of the inner part of her nose.
- A global reconstruction of her nose has been done with a lowering of the tip and alae and a lengthening of the nose, while keeping a natural and feminine look of the nose.
- The result at day 6 post-op shows a natural result without any stigmata of the surgery after 3 hours and a half spent in the OR.
Tip asymmetry
Tip asymmetry
- Pollybeak deformity
- Tip asymmetry with retraction of the left alar rim.
- Structural secondary rhinoplasty establishing a good support to the tip.
- Correction of the retraction of the left alar rim and refinement of the rest of the nose.
- Nose having been restructured are more rigid at digital pressure
Correction of a failed rhinoplasty
Correction of a failed rhinoplasty.
- Twisted nose with deviation of the septum and significant asymmetry of the tip after rhinoplasty
- Secondary rhinoplasty with repositioning of the septum,
- Tip repair with cartilage sutures and cartilaginous grafts.
- Preventive camouflage because the skin is very thin
- Result at 6 months
Secondary rhinoplasty: Saddle nose deformity
Secondary rhinoplasty
- Saddle nose deformity
- Hanging columella and alar rim retraction
- Dorsal augmentation with DC-F
- Correction of the hanging columella
- Lowering of the alar rims
- Result at 18 months
Secondary rhinoplasty, nose too deep
Secondary rhinoplasty, nose too deep
- Nose too deep in the root and back of the nose after several rhinoplasties.
- Point a little drooping with pendulous columella
- Secondary rhinoplasty of augmentation and harmonization
- Using a DC-F, spreader grafts.
- Remodeling of the tip by cartilaginous sutures
- Result at 1 year