Jacques Joseph Innovation Award for ultrasonic rhinoplasty

Prix de l’innovation Jacques Joseph pour la rhinoplastie ultrasonique du Dr Gerbault

For the annual meeting of the Rhinoplasty Society in San Diego (USA), Dr. Gerbault had the honor of receiving the Jacques Joseph Innovation Award for his work on ultrasonic rhinoplasty.

"This award from the American Rhinoplasty Society touches me a lot. But what moves me above all is to have been able to hear the lectures of my mentor Rollin Daniel and Ron Gruber, but also to have been able to meet again my American colleagues and friends: Aaron Kosins, Larry Berkowitz, Sam Most, Rod Rohrich, Jason Roostaeian, Dino Elyassnia..."

Prix de l’innovation Jacques Joseph pour la rhinoplastie ultrasonique du Dr Gerbault

Dr. Gerbault also participated in the rhinoplasty symposium of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

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