Long, wide nose with wide, drooping tip on thick skin
Rhinoplasty on a long, wide nose with wide, drooping tip on thick skin, by Dr. Gerbault:
- Refining an overall wide and long nose with a rather thick skin is one of the most difficult things to succeed in rhinoplasty. The nasal bones must be accurately reshaped to make the bone pyramid narrower without pinching it. In this case, the bony cartilaginous junction is very prominent, making a marked hump on the oblique views.
- The cartilages of a wide and drooping tip should not be weakened when the skin is thick, otherwise they will create a polly beak difformity. A good tip support is then essential to refine the tip and prevent it from droping when smiling or over time.
- Structural ultrasonic rhinoplasty allows this precise reshaping without compromising bone and cartilage stability, even strengthening the latter thanks to the buried grafts support.
- At 6 days, no bruises, just a little edema. At more than 3 months, the refinement is already clear from the front and profile. The nose is shorter and the tip remains well-supported.

Evolution of the nose after an ultrasonic rhinoplasty
Evolution of the nose after a structural ultrasonic rhinoplasty, by Dr. Gerbault:
- The appearance of the nose changes significantly after structural ultrasonic rhinoplasty performed through an extended open approach. The interest of this technique is to see all the bones of the nose to reshape them in a gentle and progressive way rather than breaking them blindly as it is done in the usual way.
- The second advantage is to have stable bones and cartilage, guaranteeing a lasting result that does not deteriorate over time. The disadvantage is to create more edema in the weeks following the operation, which results in a wider and projected nose in the first weeks after rhinoplasty.
- This young woman had an asymmetrical nose that was too projected, too long, masculine with a fairly thick acne skin and wanted a softer, more feminine, but very natural looking nose.
- The result at 6 days shows the improvement, but a nose still wide and projected. At 3 months the nose is closer to the final appearance, softer, more feminine. The nose will continue to refine in the coming months.

Profiloplasty with facial harmonisation
Profiloplasty with facial harmonisation, by Dr. Gerbault:
- Aesthetics and function are inseparable when it comes to rhinoplasty.
- This young woman complained of having a significant hump and a too large nose. Furthermore, she was breathing very badly on one side. Her very retruded chin accentuated the perception of a nose that was too strong.
- A structural ultrasonic rhino septoplasty combined to chin augmentation with a Medpor implant allowed to correct the hump, refine the nose, improve nasal breathing and balance the face.
- The result is shown frontal view at 6 days, 3 months and 15 months after the operation.